Harness the power of your brand & business for a greater good!

Harness the power of your brand & business for a greater good!

Many businesses aspire to make a meaningful impact in their communities. Offering work experience to local schools and youth organizations is a fantastic way to achieve this. Not only does it enhance your business's reputation and appeal, but it also inspires the next generation of potential employees. However, many businesses are daunted by logistical challenges and operational issues when implementing such programs.

Our Solution

Carbonado specializes in creating immersive work experience programs that open doors. Using our STUDIOTM Framework we focus on boosting professions that are usually out of reach for children from disadvantaged backgrounds.


  • Hands-On Immersion

  • Tailored to Your Goals

  • Flexible Duration

  • Easy Administration

  • Expert Support

  • Enhanced Learning

  • Brand recognition and media maximisation

Our Commitment

Carbonado is your quirky CSR enthusiast. Our programs for ages 7-18 are flexible - face-to-face, online, or hybrid - without disrupting your daily operations.

Join Carbonado to bridge the gap and ignite the future of your industry, keeping your operations seamless!